1. J. H. MARABLE and C. R. WEISBIN, “Theory and Application of Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis,” ORNL/RSIC-42, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1979).
2. B. L. BROADHEAD, C. M. HOPPER, and C. V. PARKS, “Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analyses Applied to Criticality Safety Validation, Volume 2: Illustrative Applications and Initial Guidance,” NUREG/CR-6655, Vol.2(ORNL/TM-13692/V2), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1999).
3. R. L. CHILDS, “SEN1: A One Dimensional Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Module for Criticality Safety Analysis,” NUREG/CR-5719 (ORNL/TM-13738), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1999).