1. “MCNP—A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code,” LA-13709-M, J. F. BRIESMEISTER, Ed. Los Alamos National Laboratory (2000).
2. “MCNPX User’s Manual,” TPO-E83-G-UG-X-0001, L. S. WATERS, Ed. Los Alamos National Laboratory (1999).
3. J. HALBLEIB, Structure and Operation of the ITS Code System, in Monte Carlo Transport of Electrons and Photons, p. 153, T. M. JENKINS, W. R. NELSON, and A. RINDI, Eds. Plenum Press, New York (1988).
4. The 1995 update to the atomic mass evaluation
5. T. W. BURROWS, “The Program RADLIST,” BNL-NCS-52142, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1988).