1. L. D. BUXTON, “Molten-Core/Water Contact Analysis for Fuel Melt Accidents,” SAND77-1842, NUREG/CR-0391, Sandia National Laboratories (Feb. 1979).
2. D. E. MITCHELL, M. L. CORRADINI, and W. W. TARBELL, “Intermediate-Scale Steam Explosion Phenomena: Experiments and Analysis,” SAND81-0124, NUREG/CR-2145, Sandia National Laboratories (Sep. 1981).
3. D. E. MITCHELL and N. A. EVANS, “Steam Explosion Experiments at Intermediate Scale: FITSB Series,” SAND83-1057, NUREG/CR-3983, Sandia National Laboratories (Feb. 1986).
4. M. BERMAN, “LWR Safety Research Program Semiannual Report, April-September 1982,” SAND83-1576, NUREG/CR-3407, Sandia National Laboratories (Oct. 1983).
5. L. S. NELSON and P. M. DUDA, “Steam Explosion Experiments with Single Drops of Iron Oxide Melted with a CO2 Laser, Part II. Parametric Studies,” SAND82-1105, NUREG/CR-2718, Sandia National Laboratories (Apr. 1985).