1. L. C. RICHARDSON, L. J. FINNEGAN, R. J. WAGNER, and J. M. WANGE, “CONTEMPT–A Computer Program for Predicting the Containment Pressure-Temperature Response to a Loss-of-Coolant Accident,” IDO-17-220, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (June 1967).
2. L. L. WHEAT, R. J. WAGNER, G. F. NIEDERANER, and C. F. OBENCHAIN, “CONTEMPT-LT–A Computer Program for Predicting Containment Pressure-Temperature Response to a Loss-of-Coolant Accident,” ANCR-1219, Aerojet Nuclear Company (June 1975).
3. F. BORDELOU and E. MURPHY, “Containment Pressure Analysis Code (COCO),” WCAP-8326, Westinghouse Electric Corporation (1974).
4. ZOCO V, a computer code for the calculation of time- and space-dependent pressure distributions in reactor containments
5. “Performance and Sizing of Dry Pressure Containments,” BN-TOP-3, Bechtel Power Corporation (1974).