1. L. M. PETRIE and N. P. CROSS, “KENOIV. An Improved Monte Carlo Criticality Program,” ORNL-4938, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1975).
2. L. M. PETRIE and N. M. GREENE, “XSDRNPM: AMPX Module with One-Dimensional Sn Capability for Spatial Weighting,” ORNL-TM-3706, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1976).
3. “SCALE, A Modular Code System for Performing Standardized Computer Analysis for Licensing Evaluation,” CCC-450, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1984).
4. N. M. GREENE, “BONAMI: AMPX Module to Perform Bondarenko Resonance Self-Shielding,” PSR-63, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1978).
5. L. M. PETRIE et al. “NITAWL: AMPX Module for Resonance Self-Shielding and Working Libraries Production,” ORNL-TM-3706, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1976).