1. J. F. JACKSON et al„ “Report on the Core Disruptive Phase of an Unprotected Flow-Coastdown Accident in FTR,” ANL/RAS 74-16, Argonne National Laboratory (1974).
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3. J. W. STEPHENSON and R. B. NICHOLSON, “Weak-Explosion Program,” ASTRA 417-6.0, Astra, Inc., Milford, Connecticut (1961).
4. N. HIRKAWA, “MARS, A Two Dimensional Excursion Code,” Report APDA-198, Edison Electric Institute (1967) (available from National Technical Information Service).
5. W. T. SHA and T. M. HUGHES, “VENUS-A Two Dimensional Coupled Neutronics Hydrodynamics Computer Program for Reactor Power Excursion,” ANL-7701, Argonne National Laboratory (1970) (available from National Technical Information Service).