1. L. CAVE, “Definition of Safety Criteria for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor,” UCLA-ENG-7692, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Engineering (1976).
2. “Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants,” WASH-1400 (NUREG-75/104), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1975).
3. “CRBRP Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in the CRBRP,” Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (1977).
4. “LMFBR Conceptual Design Study, Design Safety Review Report,” CDS 400-7, Westinghouse Electric Corporation Advanced Reactor Division (1981).
5. “Safety Goals for Nuclear Power Plants: A Discussion Paper,” NUREG-0880, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1982).