1. F. G. PEREY, “Least-Squares Dosimetry Unfolding: The Program STAY’sL,” ORNL/TM-6062, ENDF-254, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oct. 1977).
2. M. SASAKI and M. NAKAZAWA, “NEUPAC Unfolding Code for Use with Neutron Spectra from Activation Data of Dosimeter Foils,” PSR-177, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Jan. 1981).
3. E. J. SZONDI and E. M. ZSOLNAY, “SANDBP, An Iterative Neutron Spectrum Unfolding Code,” BME-TR-RES-2/81, Nuclear Reactor of the Technical University, Budapest (Mar. 1981).