1. P. C. S. WU, “Europia as Nuclear Control Material,” WARD-272, Westinghouse Advanced Reactors Division, Madison, Pennsylvania (1973).
2. A. E. PASTO, “Europium Oxide as a Potential LMFBR Control Material,” ORNL-TM-4226, Oak Ridge National Laboratory(1973).
3. C. F. LEITTEN, Jr. “The Stability of Europium Oxide in Silicon-Bearing Stainless Steel,” ORNL-2946, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1960).
4. E. W. HOYT, “Rare Earth Oxides and Rare Earth Borates: Corrosion, Compatibility, and Radiation Effects,” GEAP-3909, General Electric Company (1962).
5. M. M. MARTIN, “Fuels and Materials Development Program Quarterly Progress Report, Sep. 30, 1972,” ORNL-TM-4055, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1972).