1. W. R. DIGGLE and W. H. BLACKADDER, “Gamma Scanning: A Non-Destructive Technique for the Measurement of ‘Bum-Up’ Distribution in an Irradiated Fuel Element,” TGR Report 603 (D), Dow Chemical U.S.A. (1963).
2. R. S. FORSYTH and W. H. BLACKADDER, “Non-Destructive Determination of Burn-up by Means of the Pr-144 2.18 MeV Gamma Activity,” AE-187, Aktiebolaget Atomenergi (1965).
3. C. ENGELMANN et al. “Possibilities Offered by Gamma Spectrometry in the Field of Non-Destructive Measurements of Fuel Elements,” AEC-tr-6621, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (1965).
4. R. S. FORSYTH, W. H. BLACKADDER, and N. RONQVIST, “Burn-Up Determination by High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry: Axial and Diametral Scanning Experiments,” AE-267, Aktiebolaget Atomenergi (1967).
5. R. S. FORSYTH, W. H. BLACKADDER, and N. RONQVIST, “Bum-Up Determination by High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry: Fission Product Migration Studies,” AE-272, Aktiebolaget Atomenergi (1967).