1. D. H. BERWALD, “Preliminary Design and Neutronic Analysis of a Laser Fusion Driven Actinide Waste Burning Hybrid Reactor,” PhD Thesis, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan (1977); available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, or as Report No. 015189, University of Michigan (Oct. 1977).
2. H. C. CLAIBORNE, “Effect of Actinide Removal on the Long Term Hazard of High Level Waste,” ORNL-TM-4724, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1975).
3. H. C. CLAIBORNE, “Neutron Induced Transmutation of High-Level Radioactive Waste,” ORNL-TM-3964, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1972).
4. M. J. BELL, “ORIGEN-The ORNL Isotope Generation and Depletion Code,” ORNL-4628, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1973).
5. R. P. ROSE et al. “Fusion Driven Actinide Burner Design Study,” EPRI-ER-451, Electric Power Research Institute (1977).