1. D. WALMSLEY, Β. A. SAMMONS, and J. R. GROVER, “Volatility Studies of Glasses for the Fingal Process”, AERE-R5777, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (July 1969).
2. T. BANBA, H. KIMURA, H. KAMIZONO, and S. TASHIRO, “Simulated HLLW Compositions for Cold Test of Waste Management Development”, JAERI-M 82-088, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (July 1982).
3. S. TASHIRO, J. MORITA, T. TSUBOI, S. KIK-KAWA, U. SHIOTA, and A. TANIGUCHI, “Vitrification Apparatus (Design and Performance Test),” JAERI-M 84-044, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Mar 1984).
4. H. OTSUKA, Y. TAMURA, M. NOMURA, and S. TASHIRO, “Development of Gamma-Scanning System for Vitrified HLLW Forms”, JAERI-M 84-067, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Apr 1984).