1. MHD conversion of energy from pulsed thermonuclear reactors
2. G. P. LASCHE, “The Feasibility of a Laser or Charged-Particle-Beam Fusion Reactor Concept with Direct Electric Generation by Magnetic Flux Compression,” UCRL 53434, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1983).
3. B. G. LOGAN, “Fusion Reactors Using CFARII MHD Conversion”, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory UCRL-JC-109973, submitted for publication in Fusion Engineering Design.
4. B. G. LOGAN, “CFARMHD - A MathCAD PC Program to Evaluate Performance and Economics of CFARII Reactors”, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report UCRL-ID (to be issued).
5. R. W. MOIR, R. L. BIERI, J. H. HAMMER, et al. “Inertial Fusion Energy Power Plant Design Using the Compact Torus Accelerator: HYLIFE-CT”, in these proceedings of the ANS 10th Topical on Fusion Technology to be published in Fusion Technology.