1. Radiation-induced oxidation of polymers. Effect of antioxidant and antirad agent on oxygen consumption and gas evolution
2. ANSI/IEEE Standard 383-1974, “IEEE Standard for Type Test of Class IE Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Nuclear Power Generating Stations,” Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1974, reaffirmed 1980).
3. L. D. BUSTARD, J. CHENION, F. CARLIN, C. ALBA, G. GAUSSENS, and M. LeMEUR, “The Effect of Alternative Aging and Accident Simulations on Polymer Properties,” NUREG/CR-4091 (SAND84-2291), Sandia National Laboratories (May 1985).
4. L. D. BUSTARD, E. MINOR, J. CHENION, F. CARLIN, C. ALBA, G. GAUSSENS, and M. LeMEUR, “The Effect of Thermal and Irradiation Aging Simulation Procedures on Polymer Properties,” NUREG/CR-362 (SAND83-2651), Sandia National Laboratories (Apr. 1984).
5. ASTM Standard D 412, “Standard Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Tension,” American Society for Testing and Materials, Sec. 9, Vol. 9.02 (1983).