1. G. E. HANSEN and H. C. PAXTON, “Re-Evaluated Critical Specifications of Some Los Alamos Fast Neutron Systems,” LA-4208, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1969).
2. W. H. SCHMIDT, “The Sandia Pulsed Reactor SPR-ii-1 Core Calculations,” SC-RR-65-344, Sandia National Laboratories (1965).
3. C. M. LEWIS and N. P. WILBURN, “MELT-IIIA: An Improved Neutronics Thermal Hydraulics Modeling Code for Fast Reactor Safety Analysis,” HEDL-TME-76-73, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory (1976).
4. G. A. McLENNAN, “NUBOW-3D (inelastic): A FORTRAN Program for the Static Three-Dimensional Structural Analysis of Bowed Reactor Cores Including the Effects of Irradiation Creep and Swelling,” ANL-CT-78-19, Argonne National Laboratory (1978).