1. J. SHERMAN and P. S. SHERBA, “PWR Reference Fuel Rod Design,” WAPD-RDa-71, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (August 1955).
2. H. D. COOK, C. J. RETTGER, and W. J. SEWALK, “Investigations of Burnup Determinations on Highly Irradiated Fuels by Mass Spectrometric Methods,” WAPD-T-1499, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (May 1962).
3. J. E. HUDGENS, “Use of Radiochemistry and Mass Spectrometry for Fuel Depletion Studies,” WAPD-T-1615, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (August 1963).
4. C. D. SPHAR, J. H. LEONARD, and P. S. LACY, “Isotopic Analysis of Irradiated Natural Uranium Dioxide Fuel Rods from PWR Core 1—Preliminary Results,” WAPD-TM-280, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (February 1961).