1. R. B. BIRD, W. E. STEWART, and E. N. LIGHTFOOT, Transport Phenomena, p. 511, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1960).
2. G. W. PARKER, G. E. CREEK, W. J. MARTIN, and R. A. LORENZ, “Nuclear Safety Program Semiannual Progress Report, Dec. 31, 1962,” p. 9, ORNL-3401, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1962).
3. C. S. ROBINSON and E. R. GILLILAND, Elements of Fractional Distillation, p. 108, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950.
4. G. W. PARKER, G. E. CREEK, W. J. MARTIN, and R. A. LORENZ, “Nuclear Safety Program Semiannual Progress Report, June 30, 1963,” pp. 10–11, ORNL-3483, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1963).
5. R. L. LOFTNESS, “A Vapor Pressure Chart for Metals,” NAA-SR-132, North American Aviation, Inc. (1952).