1. “Research and Development for Safeguards,” Technical Branch, Division of International Affairs, USAEC (May 1, 1967).
2. S. L. RUBY and D. G. GARDNER, “Survey and Selected Bibliography of Reactor Fuel Element Assay Systems,” WCAP-6014, Westinghouse Electric Corp. (1959).
3. N. RYDE, “Nondestructive Analysis of Irradiated Fuel Elements,” NP-14963 (1964); Final Report, NP-15344, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden (1965).
4. P. KRISTIANSEN and T. RÖGEBERG, “Nondestructive Analysis of Irradiated Fuel Elements,” Final Report, NP-14968, Institute for Atomenergi, Kjeller, Norway (1959).