1. P. REYNOLDS et al. “A DEMO Tokamak Reactor; Aspects of the Conceptual Design,” CLM-R 254, Culham Laboratory (1985).
2. W. W. ENGLE, Jr. “ANISN Code Manual,” K-1693, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (1967).
3. W. G. PRICE, Jr. “A Revised Version of the ANISN Code,” MATT-1035, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (1974).
4. M. J. BELL, “ORIGEN – The ORNL Isotope Generation and Depletion Code,” ORNL-4628, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1973) (modified version).
5. O. N. JARVIS, “Description of the Transmutation and Activation Data Library UKCTRIIIA,” AERE-R9601, U.K. Atomic Energy Authority (1980).