1. “Environmental Protection, Safety, and Health Protection Program for DOE Operations,” DOE order 5480.1, U.S. Department of Energy (1981).
2. L. P. KU and J. G. KOLIBAL, “PRAX-C, PPPL Radiation Analysis Cross Sections for the Cray,” EAD-R-1, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (1982).
3. “Montage-400, 100-Group Neutron Activation Cross Section Data for Fusion Reactor Structure and Coolant Materials,” DLC-33, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1979).
4. “MACKLIB-IV, A Library of Nuclear Responses Generated with the MACK-IV Computer Program from ENDF/B-IV,” ANL/FPP/TM-106, Argonne National Laboratory (1978).
5. L. P. KU and J. G. KOLIBAL, “ANISN/PPL-C, A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Code, A User’s Guide for the Cray Version,” EAD-R-11, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (1982).