1. M. S. KAZIMI, J. BUONGIORNO, T. CONBOY, T. ELLIS, P. FERRONI, P. HEJZLAR, S.P. KAO, A. KARAHAN, K. KOBAYASHI, E. PILAT, and N. E. TODREAS, “Core Design Options for High Power Density BWRs,” NFC-PR-089, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Dec. 2006).
2. Annular Fuel for High-Power-Density Pressurized Water Reactors: Motivation and Overview
3. E. HOFFMAN et al. “Preliminary Core Design Studies for the Advanced Burner Reactor over a Wide Range of Conversion Ratios,” ANL-AFCI-177, Argonne National Laboratory (Sep. 2006).
4. M. MEMMOTT, J. BUONGIORNO, and P. HEJZLAR, “Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Innovative Fuel Configurations for the Sodium Fast Reactor,” MIT-ANP-TR-123, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems (2009).
5. Y. I. CHANG et al. “Advanced Burner Test Reactor Preconceptual Design Report,” ANL-ABR-1 (ANL-AFCI-173), Argonne National Laboratory (Sep. 2006).