1. G. H. MILEY, H. TOWNER, and N. IVICH, “Fusion Cross Sections and Reactivities” (the “Barn Book”), Report COO-2218-17, University of Illinois (June 1974).
2. J. J. PASS, Jr. “Fusion, and Advanced Fuel, Reaction Bibliography—Particle Reactions from1H to11B,” AFAL-TR-87-073, Air Force Astronautics Laboratory (Aug. 1987).
3. “Cross Section Data for Thermonuclear Reactions Involving Particles in the Atomic Rangez= 1 to 105,” EXFOR Format, National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1987).
4. G. M. HALE, “Fusion Cross Sections in ENDF-Like Format,” Los Alamos National Laboratory, Personal Communication (Mar. 1981).
5. TheHe3+He3Reactions