1. J. H. McFADDEN et al. “RETRAN02—A Program for Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Complex Fluid Flow Systems,” NP-1850CCMa, Rev. 4, Electric Power Research Institute (July 1987).
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3. B. J. GITNICK, A. F. ANSARI, and R. R. GAY, “FIBWR: A Steady-State Core Flow Distribution Code for Boiling Water Reactors,” NP-1924CCM, Electric Power Research Institute (July 1981).
4. J. M. CUTA, C. W. STEWART, A. S. KOONTZ, and S. D. MONTGOMERY, “VIPRE-01: A Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Code for Reactor Cores,” EPRI-2511CCM, Electric Power Research Institute (Apr. 1983).
5. Final Safety Analysis Report, WNP-2 Appendix H, Washington Public Power Supply System.