1. P. G. BAILEY, “A Review of Proposed Instrumentation for Measurement of Water Level as a Means of Detecting Inadequate Core Cooling in Pressurized Water Reactors,” EPRI NP-2727-SR, Electric Power Research Institute (1982).
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3. H. WARREN, L. BANDA, R. ANDERSON, L. OAKES, W. BENTLEY, A. BUHL, J. JONES, R. MONDAY, J. ROBINSON, and D. CAIN, “Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrument Data,” NSAC-28, Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (1982).
4. W. A. JESTER, A. J. BARATTA, J. EDWARDS, E. W. OKYERE, D. LOVE, and I. B. McMASTER, “A Concept for a Fast Neutron Non-Invasive Liquid Level and Density Gauge for Nuclear Reactor,” NUREG/CP 0041:3, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1982).
5. C. L. NALEZNY, “Summary of NRC’s LOFT Program Experiments,” NUREG/CR-3214, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1983).