1. R. W. CONN and F. NAJMABADI, “Visions of the Future, A Program in Tokamak Reactor Studies,” University of California Los Angeles report UCLA-PPG-1201 (December 1987).
2. Economic, safety and environmental prospects of fusion reactors
3. J. P. HOLDREN, et al. “Report of the Senior Committee on Environmental, Safety, and Economic Aspects of Magnetic Fusion Energy,” Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report UCRL-53766 (September 1989).
4. F. NAJMABADI, R. W. CONN, and The ARIES Team, “The ARIES-I Tokamak Reactor Study,” University of California Los Angeles report to be published, (1990).
5. C. C. BAKER, et al. “STARFIRE - A Commercial Tokamak Fusion Power Plant Study,” Argonne National Laboratory report ANL/FPP-80-1 (September 1980).