1. E. ARTHUR et al. “The Los Alamos Accelerator Transmutation of Nuclear Waste (ATW) Concept,” LA-UR-92-2020, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Apr. 1992).
2. Parametric Systems Studies of the Aqueous-Based (Slurry) Blanket Concept for Accelerator Transmutation of Waste
3. “MCNP-A General Monte Carlo Code for Neutron and Photon Transport, Version 4,” LA-7396-M, Rev. J. F. BRIESMEISTER, Ed. Los Alamos National Laboratory (Apr. 1991).
4. D. L. HENDERSON and O. YASAR, “DKRICF: A Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code Package,” UWFDM-714, Vols. 1 and2, University of Wisconsin Fusion Technology Institute (1986); see also Computer Code Collection entry CC-234, Radiation Shielding Information Center.
5. J. E. SISOLAK and D. L. HENDERSON, “PULSAR: Pulsed Activation Demonstration Code, Version 3.0,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Physics.