PENGARUH LAJU SEDIMENTASI TERHADAP REKRUTMEN KARANG DI TELUK KENDARI (The effect of sedimentation rate on coral recruitment in Kendari Bay)


Subhan Subhan,Afu La Ode Alirman


ABSTRAKSedimentasi secara terus menerus menjadi masalah utama terumbu karang di perairan pesisir. Sebanyak 7 titik pengambilan sampel telah dilakukan di Teluk Kendari selama periode Juni - Oktober 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan adanya pengaruh laju sedimentasi terhadap rekrutmen karang baik dalam sebaran kelompok taksa dan ukuran koloni juvenil karang. Pengambilan sampel dengan transek kuadrat mengunakan alat selam SCUBA dilakukan untuk memperoleh data tentang rekrutmen karang. Sedangkan pengukuran laju sedimentasi menggunakan metode sediment trap. Hubungan antara laju sedimentasi dengan rekrutmen karang dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan linier negatif antara laju sedimentasi dan rekrutmen karang yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi r = -0.941. ABSTRACTSedimentation constantly becomes the major problem for coral reefs in coastal areas. There were seven sampling stations carried out in Kendari Bay between June and October 2015. The purpose of the present study was to confirm the effect of sedimentation rate on coral recruitment in the level of genus and size of the colony of coral’s juvenile. Sampling was collected using quadrant transect method with the help of SCUBA to obtain data on coral recruitment, while the sedimentation rates were measured using sediment trap method. The relationship between sedimentation rates and coral recruitment was analysed using regression linear. The results showed that there was negative relationship between sedimentation rates and coral recruitment with the coefficient correlation (r) = -0.941.              


Universitas Gadjah Mada

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