SIMULASI DAMPAK PENCEMARAN UDARA KARBON MONOKSIDA DI KOTA YOGYAKARTA AKIBAT EMISIS KENDARAAN BERMOTOR (Simulation of Carbon Monoxide Pollution Effect in Yogyakarta City Caused by The Emission of Motor Vehicles)


Natsir Taufik Abdillah,Windrianto P Yudith,Susetyaningsih Retno,Setyanto Kris,Dewi Rita


ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian terkait simulasi dampak pencemaran udara di Kota Yogyakarta akibat dari emisi kendaraan bermotor dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak AERMOD dan visualisasi hasil dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SURFER 9. AERMOD merupakan perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan oleh US-EPA dan merupakan perangkat lunak yang direkomendasikan oleh US-EPA untuk memprakirakan dampak polutan udara. Penelitian dilakukan di 4 ruas jalan kota Yogyakarta, yaitu jalan Cik Di Tiro, jalan Prof. Herman Yohanes, jalan Colombo, dan jalan Jendral Sudirman dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2015. Data iklim diperoleh dari Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Parameter yang diukur adalah karbon monoksida (CO) dan jumlah kendaraan yang lewat di lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi tertinggi CO pada bulan Januari 2015 berada pada rentang antara 5.500 – 8.000 mg/m3 (4,46–6,49 ppm) berada di jalan Cik Di Tiro. Hasil simulasi selama 10 tahun menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2025, konsentrasi CO tertinggi hingga mencapai ± 16.000 mg/m3 (16 ppm) dan berada di jalan Cik Di Tiro.ABSTRACTA research of the simulation of air pollution effect in Yogyakarta city caused by the emission of motor vehicles had been conducted by using the AERMOD software, and the result was visualized by using SURFER 9. AERMOD was a software which was developed and is recommended by US-EPA to predict air pollution. The research was conducted on January 2015 in 4 locations in Yogyakarta city, which were Cik Di Tiro Road, Prof. Herman Yohanes Road, Colomobo Road, and Sudirman Road. Climatology data was obtained from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of the Special Province of Yogyakarta. Parameters which were measured in this research were carbon monoxide (CO) and traffic counting. The result showed that the highest concentration of CO on January 2015 was 5,500–8,000 mg/m3 (4.46–6.49 ppm) located in Cik Di Tiro Road. The result of air pollution simulation for ten years showed that in 2025, the highest concentration of CO would be approximately ± 16,000 mg/m3 (16 ppm), located in Cik Di Tiro Road.


Universitas Gadjah Mada

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