Nauw Ariance Juli Ross,Fatem Sepus M,Husodo Susilo Budi,Sagrim Mecky
Tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) merupakan salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) potensial di wilayah Maybrat. Jenis HHBK ini dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu pangan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Maybrat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2014, untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus chempeden) bagi masyarakat Kampung Sabun, Distrik Aitinyo, Kabupaten Maybrat. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara terstruktur pada 15 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bagian tumbuhan cempedak yang dimanfaatkan adalah buah dan biji. Pengolahan tumbuhan cempedak terbagi atas 3 bentuk, yaitu: pengolahan pada buah masak, buah muda, dan biji, sedangkan pengolahan biji dibagi dalam 4 bagian, yaitu: proses perebusan dan pengukusan, sangrai, pengisian dalam bambu, dan penyimpanan biji. Upaya konservasi cempedak telah dilakukan secara sederhana melalui penanaman pada areal kebun dan pekarangan rumah masyarakat. Penelitian ini juga memperoleh informasi bahwa pemanfaatan cempedak hanya terbatas untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga masyarakat saja. Pengolahan komersil belum dikembangkan. Dengan demikian, pengembangan cempedak sebagai alternatif pangan produk HHBK perlu dilakukan dengan mendorong kerjasama lintas sektor baik pertanian dan kehutanan serta pihak terkait di wilayah Maybrat.Kata kunci: Artocarpus champeden, Masyarakat Kampung Sabun, Kabupaten Maybrat, HHBK, pengolahan buah AbstractCempedak (Artocarpus champeden) is one of the non timber forest products (NTFPs) from the Maybrat district. It is used as a daily food of Maybrat people. The study was conducted from June-July 2014 in Sabun Village, Aitinyo Sub district of the Maybrat Regency, West Papua Province. The objectives of this study were to explore the utilization, harvesting technique, and manufacturing process of cempedak in Sabun villages. Field observations and interviews were used to collect the data of 15 respondents. The result showed that fruits and seeds are part of of the cempedak trees, which is utilised for food. Cempedak processing were divided into 3 parts i.e. the ripe fruit, the unripe fruit, and the seed. Processing of the seed were divided into four parts i.e. boiling, steaming, frying without oil process, filling inside bamboo, and storage. Conservation efforts were conducted by planting cempedak in the garden of villagers’ house. This research also revealed that the utilization process was done for household purposes only. Therefore, the development of cempedak for an alternative food as NTFPs, is necessary to be promoted by collaboration of related stakeholders including forestry and agriculture in Maybrat Regency.
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