Karakteristik Beras Analog Berindeks Glisemik Rendah dari Oyek dengan Penambahan Berbagai Jenis Kacang-Kacangan


Kanetro Bayu,Pujimulyani Dwiyati,Luwihana Sri,Sahrah Alimatus


The aim of this research was to determine the best legumes for increasing protein of artificial rice that was made of dried growol or oyek based on physical, sensory charactersitics and glycemic index. The experiment design of this research was randomized complete design with the single factor of legumes type, that were soybean mungbean, vevet bean, and cowpeas. The first step of artificial rice processing was mixing dried oyek and legumes flour with 3:7 ratio. The next step was forming the dough into the same as rice, steaming, and drying for producing artificial rice that could be stored. The products of artificial rice were analyzed for texture, colour, and preference level of dried and steamed procuct, proximate composition of dried product, and glycemic index (IG) of steamed product. The result of this research showed that the type of legumes affected the physical and sensory characteristic of artificial rice. The best legumes for producing artificial rice was mungbean. The preference level of the best product was better than the other legumes, and the same as original rice. The proximate composition especially protein content of the best product was the same as original rice, and its IG was be categorized in low IG food product.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menentukan jenis kacang-kacangan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kadar protein beras analog dari growol kering atau oyek berdasarkan sifat fisik, kimia, sensoris, dan indeks glisemik. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan acak lengkap faktor tunggal yaitu jenis kacang-kacangan yang meliputi kacang kedelai, tunggak, koro, dan kacang hijau. Beras analog/artificial dibuat melalui tahap pembuatan adonan yang terdiri campuran tepung kacang-kacangan dan tepung oyek dengan perbandingan 3:7. Selanjutnya dibentuk menyerupai beras, dikukus, dan dikeringkan sehingga diperoleh beras analog yang dapat disimpan. Produk kering dan produk yang siap dikonsumsi (nasi analog) selanjutnya dianalisis tekstur, warna,tingkat kesukaan, dan komposisi proksimat pada beras analog, serta indeks glisemik pada nasi analog. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis kacang-kacangan berpengaruh terhadap sifat fisik dan tingkat kesukaan beras maupun nasi analog. Jenis kacang-kacangan terbaik adalah kacang hijau yang memberikan tingkat kesukaan nasi analog paling baik dibandingkan jenis kacang-kacangan lainnya dan nilainya sama atau tidak berbeda nyata dengan nasi biasa. Komposisi proksimat beras analog terbaik khususnya kadar proteinnya hampir sama dengan beras biasa, dan IG-nya dikategorikan dalam bahan pangan ber-IG rendah.Kata kunci: Beras analog/artificial; ubi kayu; oyek; indeks glisemik; kacang-kacangan


Universitas Gadjah Mada

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1. Formulation of analog rice using cassava (Manihot esculenta) and mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) for breastfeeding mothers;2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (2ND ICSM);2023

2. Profile of cholesterol and glucose on the various age of volunteers with composite flour diet;IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;2019-11-01

3. Influence of Peanut Flour Addition on Rasi Process Production;IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;2019-09-01








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