The numerical simulation of one-phase and two-phase gas and liquid filtration within fractured porous reservoirs in micro-scale on the level of several reservoir blocks was carried out. The results of obtained calculations permit to establish the unknown earlier peculiarities of filtration flows within fractured porous reservoirs including the character of exchanging flows between reservoir media. It was established that the all existing present time mathematical models of two-phase filtration do not take into consideration many physical phenomenons taking place on the reservoir porous block boundaries.
It is well known how much attention is given recently to the problems of fluid filtration within fractured porous reservoirs. One of the first models of the one-phase fluid filtration within naturally fractured reservoirs is the dual-porosity model. The main assumptions of the model reduced to the description of filtration process in reservoir with two interactive media under quasi-steady fluid exchange between them proportional to the difference between average pressure in media. Other authors try to develop and modify the given model, but the main assumptions of the dual-porosity model have practically been completely kept. The distinguishing peculiarity of the other group of naturally fractured reservoir models (called further as models with type block) is the calculation of exchange flow between reservoir media on the block surface by using the equality conditions of pressures in media on this surface. The more detailed dynamics of fluid exchange at the microlevel of individual reservoir blocks is taken into account in the theory. In the last one the function of block geometry expressing the exchange flow is introduced on the basis of filtration equation solution (in common) within separate blocks and in the whole reservoir. The further development of such micro-structure models is given on the basis of averaging of fluid flow within heterogeneous media containing one-type elements of low-permeable medium uniformly distributed in high-permeable medium. The given models take into account more accurately the essential non-steady exchange between reservoir blocks and fractures, taking into the consideration both its dependence on the pressure difference in media and its dependence on the rate of changing the basic parameters. Many problems of fluid filtration in naturally fractured reservoirs have not yet been investigated in spite of a considerable number of existing models of one-phase fluid filtration within such reservoirs.
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