1. Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
2. Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.
Surfactant flooding is an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique that involves the injection of an aqueous solution of surfactant (and, optionally, alkaline and polymer) into an oil reservoir to mobilise and produce the remaining oil. The quantities of surfactants needed for pilots and future commercial scale projects are large (100s to 10,000s of tons) and necessitate large scale manufacture using existing processes and plants for the different manufacturing steps. Upscaling of surfactants requires a rigorous QA/QC process to control and ensure the quality of batches of surfactants produced. Case studies are described from the perspective of a surfactant manufacturer where 800 and 6000 ton of surfactant were manufactured (as 60% and 20% active concentrates respectively) for two multi spot pilots. These case studies illustrate: The need to define the laboratory tests for surfactant composition and performance. Plus associated repeatability data and specifications (minimum and maximum values) for clear, unambiguous decisions.How the QC is checked at each stage in manufacture from the initial feedstock, through various stages, to the final delivered surfactant concentrate/blend. This also applies to the scale-up procedure from the laboratory made scale (kg) to pilot scale (100s of kg) to the pilot/commercial scale (100s to 1000s of tons).Novel correlations between composition and performance (e.g. optimal salinity, via oil/water phase behaviour tests), developed during the surfactant pilot scale manufacture stage, to a) put more emphasis on verifying batch consistency with faster, easier to use composition tests, and b) give more assurance that large scale production gives the expected sub-surface performance. This requires R&D over an extended time, ahead of large scale manufacture.
Overall, the paper shows that industrial scale production of surfactants for chemical EOR is feasible and goes through the essential steps to achieve this. Control of large scale batch quality and performance is critical.
This paper also shows results for improved, highly active (60%+) surfactants concentrates with improved rheology behaviour which will be easier to pump, mix and dilute at the facilities than earlier products. This helps to reduce logistical costs thereby improving project economics.
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3 articles.