Effects of Hardness and Cosurfactant on Phase Behavior of Alcohol-Free Alkyl Propoxylated Sulfate Systems


Puerto Maura C.1,Hirasaki George J.1,Miller Clarence A.1,Reznik Carmen2,Dubey Sheila2,Barnes Julian R.2,vanKuijk Sjoerd2


1. Rice University

2. Shell Global Solutions


Abstract The effect of hardness was investigated on equilibrium phase behavior in the absence of alcohol for blends of three Alcohol Propoxy Sulfates with an internal Olefin Sulfonate having C15-18 chain length. Hard brines investigated were synthetic Sea Water, 2*SW, and 3*SW, the last two having double and triple the total ionic content of SW with all ions present in the same relative proportions as in SW. Optimal blends of the APS/IOS systems formed microemulsions with n-octane having high solubilization suitable for EOR at both ~25°C and 50°C. However, oil-free aqueous solutions of the optimal blends in 2*SW and 3*SW, as well as in 8 wt% and 12 wt% NaCl solutions with similar ionic strengths, exhibited cloudiness and/or precipitation and were unsuitable for injection. In SW at 25°C the aqueous solution of the optimal blend of branched alcohol C16,17 7PO sulfate and IOS15-18 was clear and suitable for injection. A salinity map prepared for blends of these surfactants illustrates how such maps facilitate selection of injection compositions where injection and reservoir salinities differ. The same APS was blended with other APSs and Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfates in SW at ~25°C, yielding microemulsions with high n-octane solubilization and clear aqueous solutions at optimal conditions. Two APS/AES blends were found to form suitable microemulsions in SW with a crude oil at its reservoir temperature near 50°C. Optimal conditions were nearly the same for hard brines and NaCl solutions with similar ionic strengths between SW and 3*SW. Although the aqueous solutions for the optimal blends with crude oil were slightly cloudy, small changes in blend ratio led to formation of lower phase microemulsions with clear aqueous solutions. When injection and reservoir brines differ, it may be preferable to inject at such slightly underoptimum conditions to avoid encountering upper phase conditions produced by inevitable mixing of injected and formation brine.



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