Corporate Social Responsibility History Case : Solidarity Program Associated with the Touat Project of Gaz de France in the South West of Algeria


Augustin Antoine Marie1


1. Gaz de France


Abstract Mid 2003, Gaz de France started drilling operations on the Exploration License of Touat located in the South West Algeria. Early 2006, Gaz de France launched an associated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project. Primary contacts have been initiated with local authorities and with the well established United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in order to benefit from the social baseline information they had already gathered, and from some pilot actions they were carrying with local associations. From these contacts, Gaz de France has initiated a CSR project, referred to as the Touat Solidarity Program, which is articulated around a number of key structuring elements. First, the Touat Solidarity Program project favor long terms objectives. Secondly, it fits into the program of the UNDP who has pre-identified and evaluated the needs of the area of activities. Other E&P actors are supporting and taking part to this UNDP program. The Touat Solidarity Program is also developed in relation with the local authorities to favor its acceptability and benefit from the authorities financial support. Local actors are involved as much as possible, and training is provided to build up their autonomy. Codegaz, a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) close to Gaz de France, is involved in the implementation of the program. Being present in the field and manned by Gaz de France employees and ex-employees, the contribution of Codegaz emphasizes the visibility of Gaz de France on site. The organization ensures actions are fruitful for locals. The different entities of Gaz de France involved in the project are liaising as required in order to ensure the consistency of the project and be able to clearly communicate on the subject to the company stakeholders. The principles at the heart of the Touat solidarity program are in line with the main E&P industry recommendations who advise to privilege long-term over short-term actions, to engage with local authorities and NGOs, to collaborate with other E&P actors and to resort to social issues specialists. Presentation of the Touat Solidarity Project Gaz de France Group Exploration and Production Division (hereafter referred to as DEP) seeks to play its role as a responsible operator based on technical, economic, Health Safety Environment (HSE) and social considerations. Creating and disseminating local content where it operates meets the company vision on community issues and contribute to improving the company image among these communities. This paper describes DEP principles with regard to the management of communities issues and illustrate these through the solidarity program on going around the area of the Touat operations.



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