1. The University of Tulsa
2. Texaco Inc.
3. Chevron Petroleum Technology Co.
The Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone (GLCC(c)1) is an example of a compact separator which is simple, lightweight, and having low capital and operational costs. The GLCC(c) has a wide variety of potential applications, varying from only partial to complete phase separation. This paper presents a state-of-the-art simulator for GLCC(c) design and analysis, based on an improved mechanistic model, written in an Excel Visual-Basic(r) platform. The simulator has two components namely, design wizard code and performance code. The design wizard is used for performing the preliminary design of the GLCC(c), and the performance code enables detailed prediction of the complex hydrodynamic flow behavior in the GLCC(c). This user-friendly simulator incorporates the best available technology for the design of GLCC(c) separators for the industry. The simulator has been used to design over 100 GLCC(c) units operating in the USA and around the world. Details of successful field application of GLCC(c) separator for offshore Lake Maracaibo, PDVSA, Venezuela, (multiphase flow-metering loop), PETROBRAS, Brazil, (external pre-separation) ARCO, Alaska (gas knockout) and Minas, CPI, Indonesia (bulk separation/metering), are presented and discussed. These examples demonstrate the potential, advantages, and benefits offered by the GLCC(c) simulator for enhancing the utilization of compact separators in both offshore and onshore environments.1 GLCC(c) - Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone - copyright, The University of Tulsa, 1994.
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11 articles.