Dynamic Behavior of Fixed-Bed Adsorbers


Marks D.E.1,Robinson R.J.1,Arnold C.W.1,Hoffmann A.E.1


1. Humble Oil And Refining Co.


Abstract The efficiency of operation of a fixed-bed adsorption unit is influenced both by the absolute adsorption capacity of the bed and by the rate of adsorption. This paper describes studies of adsorption rate which were conducted in an experimental unit designed such that conditions existing in the treatment of high-pressure natural-gas mixtures could be duplicated. Variables investigated included pressure, temperature, gas composition, adsorbent particle size, depth of packed bed and gas velocity. The adequacy of a simplified mathematical model for predicting the observed phenomena was tested. A correlation is presented which relates adsorption rate to the process variables studied. This correlation is useful in combination with the mathematical model. Introduction Of the techniques available for contacting adsorbent particles with fluid streams to be treated, fixed-bed adsorption columns offer definite advantages in simplicity and ease of operation. As a result, they are often used in preference to others for such petroleum industry applications as dehydration and purification of natural gas and hydrocarbon recovery. Fixed-bed adsorption units usually consist of two or more towers filled with a desired adsorbent and operated in a cyclic manner. While one is being used to process the main flow stream, the others are undergoing regeneration to remove the adsorbed phase. When the tower on stream becomes saturated with the preferentially adsorbed material, the roles of the towers are switched, and the freshly regenerated tower is placed on stream. Cycle duration is determined by the bed capacity under the process conditions and by the flow rate through the bed. The sharpness of separation which can be effected is a function of both the absolute capacity of the bed and the rate of adsorption in the bed. The effect of rate for a particular set of conditions is evidenced by the sharpness or diffuseness of the adsorption front as it advances through the bed. Since data needed for design of adsorption units to treat high-pressure natural-gas systems were not available, an experimental program was designed to investigate the effects of different variables upon adsorption rate in fixed beds. In the present paper, effects of gas composition, column length, temperature, pressure, adsorbent particle size and flow rate (actual linear flow rate of the gas) are shown, and utility of a simplified mathematical model for describing the process is discussed. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF FIXED-BED ADSORPTION As gas enter the top of a cool, clean bed of adsorbent, preferentially adsorbed materials are stripped from the main flow stream by the uppermost particle layers. As these layers become saturated with a particular component, new supplies of this component are carried further down the column until fresh adsorbent is encountered. An adsorption wave thus moves through the column as material is supplied to saturate succeeding elements of the bed. Adsorption from a multicomponent gas stream occurs as a succession of such moving waves corresponding to the different components in the gas. The leading edge of an adsorption wave for a component of a natural-gas stream moving through a bed of a common commercial adsorbent such as silica gel would be sharp but for the influence of certain broadening factors. These factors include a nonuniform velocity profile in the bed, longitudinal dispersion or mixing in the main gas stream, and the time required for a molecule to migrate from the main gas stream and be adsorbed at a site within the body of an adsorbent particle. If packing is uniform and the ratio of column to particle diameter is greater than approximately 15:1, the first factor is relatively unimportant. Longitudinal mixing is of importance only for the case of moderately high mass transfer with extremely slow flow rates. The sharpness of an adsorption front, therefore, is primarily a function of the rate of adsorption or the time required to saturate a particle of adsorbent. Two methods for defining adsorption rate are used in this work. The first is a normalized or relative rate which describes the rate of saturation of a differential element of the packed bed. This can be measured by observing the time required for the concentration of the preferentially adsorbed material in the effluent gas from the bed to rise from zero to a value equal to that in the inlet gas stream. The second definition describes the absolute rate of mass transfer from the gaseous to the adsorbed phase. This definition is used in a mathematical description of the adsorption process. If the concentration of a component in the gas stream leaving an adsorption column is measured and plotted as a function of time, a curve such as that shown in Fig. 1 results. It is seen that for a period of time the effluent gas is devoid of the component under consideration. As the bed approaches saturation, a small percentage of this material will appear in the effluent gas. The concentration will then rise with time, or increasing cumulative gas flow, until it is equal to that in the inlet gas stream. JPT P. 443^


Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)


Strategy and Management,Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Industrial relations,Fuel Technology

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