More Oil and Less Water: Heavy Oil Field Application of the Autonomous Inflow Control Devices AICD in Long Horizontal Wells – A Case study from South Sultanate of Oman


Harrasi Ameera1,Jimenez-Chavez Maria1,Al-Jumah Ali1,Barwani Asma1,Lawati Ali1,Sabahi Atiya1,Urdaneta Gerardo1,Gokmen Melih1,Harthy Khalfan1,Busaidi Hamood1,Saadi Faisal1,Abri Yaqoob1,Harthi Mahmood1,Rahbi Said1,Abri Ibrahim1,Siyabi Majid1,Hooti Huda1


1. Petroleum Development Oman


Abstract The multidisciplinary authors have summarized the results from the Autonomous Inflow Control Device (AICD) deployment in multiple oil fields, and presented it in this paper as a practice worth replication in a similar heavy oil environment, due its many benefits in optimizing field development. AICDs have been tested mainly in labs and controlled environments with few comprehensive field trials. This paper will form the basis for that which will add to the state of knowledge in the industry. The AICD technology was piloted in few wells of these fields. It comprises of mechanical devices installed with the sand face completion, which react in real time to the properties of the flowing fluids, decreasing/delaying the water influx (or gas if it would be the case) from high productivity zones, promoting increased oil production from other compartments of the formation, therefore, equalizing the drawdown along the horizontal section of the well and performing a dynamic water shut-off operation. No cables are required, as the devices work on the basis of viscosity and density difference between the oil and the water. The AICD-completed wells showed initial water cut in the range 1% to 2%. Which has reduced significantly in comparison to nearby analogues. The initial net oil rate resulted to be more than 2 times of the expected one, with an acceleration of ~10,000 bbls of net oil during the first month. After the initial production period, the technology is still delaying the aggressive water cut development usually observed in these fields, having provided 2 times the expected net oil rate during the first 3 months, with an acceleration of approximately 20,000 bbls of net oil over this period. It has been concluded that the application of the technology is successful and will be deployed as a baseline in all future horizontal wells drilled.



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