The Network Model of Porous Media


Fatt I.1


1. U. of Southern California


Published in Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Volume 207, 1956, pages 144–181.Capillary Pressure CharacteristicsDynamic Properties of a Single Size Tube NetworkDynamic Properties of Networks With Tube Radius Distribution Abstract This paper proposes the network of tubes as a model more closely representing real porous media than does the bundle of tubes. Capillary pressure curves are derived from network models and pore size distributions are calculated from these curves. In this way is shown the difference between the true and calculated pore size distributions when the capillary pressure curve is used to obtain pore size distribution for porous media. Introduction Despite the technological importance of the laws governing flow through porous media, many of these laws have not yet been clearly formulated. This is especially true of the laws governing multiphase flow. The static properties, such as the capillary pressure curve, are also not at present interpretable correctly in terms of the pore size distribution and other structural properties of porous media. In the absence of any well founded theoretical description of fluid flow through porous media, many empirical descriptions have been proposed. In addition to the strictly empirical flow equations, some equations have been developed rigorously from simple geometrical models of the pore spaces. These equations are only as valid as is the model used in their development. The two models used in the past, the sphere pack and the bundle of tubes, have been too simple, and as a result, the equations derived from them have failed to predict the observed properties. Agreement between theory and observation has been achieved for these models by inserting parameters of doubtful physical significance.


Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)







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