1. Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC
2. Gubkin University
One of the most common complications in the operation of wells with electric submersible pumps (ESP) is the presence of free gas in the produced well product. The work considers a model of ESP operation taking into account a large share of free gas in the flow obtained on the basis of bench tests and its applicability for analyzing the operation of real producing wells equipped with ESPs.
Tests of ESP5-50 (118 radial stages) with model gas-liquid mixtures in a wide range of inlet gas volume-flow rate (0-60%), inlet pressure (0.6-2.1 MPa), shaft speed (2400-3600 rpm) with simultaneous pressure measurement along the pump length and direct measuring of power at the shaft by means of motor weights were performed at the oilfield development and operation department. Mathematical model is obtained by means of regression analysis of experimentally received characteristics of ESPs on gas liquid mixtures; a simple engineering method of calculating the degradation of ESPs characteristics by flow, head and power is suggested. The experience of building similar models described in the literature was taken into account. Experimental studies and creation of a mathematical model of ESP were carried out during Kirill Goridko's PhD thesis.
As a result of the research we obtained the degradation dependencies of the pump's delivery and the head of ESP while pumping mixtures of different foam capacity, which simulate the pump operation in low and high watercut wells. The patterns of delivery and head coefficients depending on the zone (left, optimum, right) of ESP characteristic are revealed. The degradation of ESP power during pumping gas liquid mixture is clarified, which allows to calculate more accurately the specific energy consumption of well products lifting. The developed method of recalculation of the pressure and power characteristics of ESPs is implemented in the form of calculation modules designed for engineering calculations in oil production. The proposed tool has been tested on the data of the Western Siberia fields while analyzing the operation of wells with high gas content in the produced product. Calculation modules have been made publicly available.
A new simple engineering method was developed to account for the degradation of the pressure and flow and power characteristics of ESPs for low- and medium-rate wells based on a large number of benchmark studies. Оbtained degradation dependences are programmed in the form of calculation modules, which allows to analyze the operation of a large number of wells on the basis of their technological mode, as well as to propose optimization measures to change the ESP operation at a higher level.
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2 articles.