1. Kuwait Oil Company
2. Schlumberger Oilfield Eastern Limited
The Deep carbonate reservoirs of North Kuwait are broadly divided into deeper assemblage consisting of diagenitically modified dolomitic layer and shallower fractured-laminated tight limestone and Kerogen units. It is a challenge to establish and quantify the known phenomenon of dynamic changes in the flow path characteristics and properties of the reservoir rocks, as the natural stability condition are altered by production of reservoir fluid. The parameters of the flow path characterization become more uncertain in case of deep HP/HT digenetically altered reservoirs and fractured-tight limestone with laminated kerogen, then similar to the North Kuwait deep reservoirs.
In this study an integration of static data such as, borehole image, core and petrophysical evaluation with time lapse dynamic reservoir parameters like production, pressure data from buildup and pressure transient analysis was carried out to understand the flow path characteristic changes. A deterministic approach has been used to characterize the reservoir flow system and to estimate the fracture aperture for each time step. Thus the time dependent alternations in the flow path properties such as reduced fracture aperture and linked causative phenomena have been studied with multiple scenarios.
A detailed inventory and analysis of various well intervention operations between the time lapse measurements was carried out to distinguish the natural vs. work over induced causatives of flow path changes. This has assisted proper calibration of fracture properties for the static conditions, dynamic simulation and history matching. This workflow has also optimized the application of appropriate reservoir health checkups and remedial interventions. Cases of two representative wells completed in each of the deep reservoir assemblages are presented as examples to demonstrate the study.
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