There are several environmental regulations that any drilling and workover contractor must follow when working in Saudi Arabia onshore and offshore areas. These regulations are corporate, national, regional and global in nature. These environmental regulations are established to control drilling operations to minimize its impact on the environment.
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the requirements listed in the environmental regulations that pertain to drilling operations. All these requirements must be followed and adhered to by operators when working for Saudi Aramco in its operating areas. Also discussed are the plans of implementation by operators to insure compliance of the regulations.
These regulations pertain to (1) discharge to marine environment from drilling operation, (2) waste water treatment re-use and disposal, (3) protection of marine life, (4) pollution control and environment protection, (5) waste management for mud, cuttings and rubbish.
Environmental issues were a concern to Saudi Aramco for a long time before any regulations were established in Saudi Arabia. This was reflected in several Company codes and standards to monitor, regulate and control industrial operations to minimize any affect on the environment. These codes and standards not only applied to the Company operations but were also applicable to any contractors working for the Company in its operating areas.
Corporate Regulations For Drilling Operations in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Aramco has strong corporate standards containing guidelines applicable to environmental protection policy. One of the company objectives is to manage its operations without adverse affects on the surrounding environment. This is very well established in several Saudi Aramco engineering standards, codes and departmental procedures which are in line with national regulations and guidelines. Those standards applicable to offshore and onshore drilling operations are as follows:
Offshore Operations
These environmental regulations apply to all vessels such as drilling rigs, supply boats, barges, etc. working in Saudi territorial waters or working under Saudi Aramco contractors in an offshore area.
Sewage Disposal. A sewage treatment plant is required for any facility located less than 4 nautical miles from land and manned by 10 or more people. Discharge effluent must meet all required limitations for organic/non-organic, chemical pollutants (Table 1).
Industrial Drainage. All types of water flows, such as surface run-off/effluent and oil drainage, must be collected through sealed systems to either slop tanks or caissons. The disposal of either treated or untreated effluent should comply with the requirement of Table 1.
Trash/Rubbish. No discharge is allowed to the sea. All trash matter should be hauled back to an approved onshore disposal site.
Oil-Based Mud/Toxic Fluids/Cuttings from Toxic Fluids. All oil-based drilling fluids, toxic fluids, and cuttings from toxic drilling fluids must be hauled back to an approved onshore disposal site. For alternative oil based fluids, LC-50 toxicity tests shall be run to determine toxicity of the cuttings. If fluids are toxic then fluids and cuttings should be disposed in an approved disposal site.
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