Improving Completions Immediately: An Applied Methodology for Real-Time Optimization


Stark Price1,Tran John-Bosco1,Mogck Drew1,Mask Gene2


1. Halliburton

2. SandRidge Energy


Abstract A proven and tested method for helping improve completion design during well stimulation is formally presented. Systematic changes in terms of cluster spacing, fluid design, proppant design, and perforating scheme were evaluated and implemented in real time. Post completion evaluation led to a series of design improvements applied to active and future projects. The ultimate goal of the project was to identify an improved completion design both in terms of productivity and economic efficiency in real time. A formal approach of beginning at the cluster level and expanding to the asset level was followed. The project focus progressed from the optimal stage completion to well completion and then section. For stage and well optimization, the target was to meet or exceed the type curve for the area while maintaining economic discipline. This paper will focus on the near wellbore aspect of asset optimization. The diagnostic pad consisted of six wells configured in a wine rack spacing design. A single diagnostic well "Wildcat No. 1" was completed individually and included a fiber-optic cable installed on casing. During completion downhole, microseismic monitoring and tilt were recorded from nearby vertical wellbores. The cluster-level flow profiles were recorded at each stage using fiber-optics. This data, provided in real time, enabled a dynamic workflow to test, assess, and immediately apply learnings. For example, stage length was tested, evaluated, and adjusted until a favorable length was identified. Improvements in the completion design around the fluid system, cluster spacing, shots per foot (spf), injection rate, and execution parameters were identified based on the Uniformity Index (UI). Temporal changes to the completion design were also reviewed and identified. This approach is as significant as the technologies that enable it and is discussed in detail.



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