Carbon/Oxygen Spectral Data Processing, its Affiliation to Scintillation Detector Selectivity & their Impact on Reservoir Saturation Monitoring, Lessons Learnt and Recommended Workflow


Eltaher Yahia1,Ma Shouxiang1


1. Saudi Aramco


Abstract For decades, it has been affirmed that pulsed neutron (PN) spectral Carbon/Oxygen (C/O) logging is the industry's most robust salinity-independent means for reservoir saturation monitoring (RSM); yet C/O logging still comes with considerable uncertainty that has to be identified and handled with ultimate care. In this paper we investigate two main aspects of such uncertainties and showcase some recommendations to enhance the accuracy of the measurement for improved reservoir saturation monitoring. Two fundamental factors affecting C/O measurement are the type of gamma ray (GR) scintillation detector crystals used and the method for C/O spectral data processing. Currently, there are mostly six types of crystals used as GR detectors in commercial PN logging tools for routine operations. Each detector type has its advantages and limitations. With respect to data processing, the most commonly adopted method is the Windows method, due to its simplicity and statistical robustness. Whereas the Yields method is much more complicated to develop and prone to statistical variation, though it tends to provide more accurate results. Similarly, each of these two methods has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. A comprehensive study involved different logging instruments and datasets acquired under various logging environments showed that both the physical properties of the detector, as well as the characteristics of the data processing method, have to be fully considered for optimum results. The Windows method, for instance, can be adequate for detectors of statistical nature. Unlike the Yields method, which requires an optimized set of detector and tool specifications. Where for certain GR detectors, significant differences in C/O data and consequently the calculated fluid saturation were observed when processed by using the Windows and the Yields methods. C/O data processing method selection is commonly fit for purpose; yet with the continuous advancement in GR detection technology, standardization is recommended for accurate and precise log measurement. Accuracy and precision are keys to C/O logging and consequently successful reservoir surveillance and oil field management. Accordingly, a new standard RSM workflow is recommended where all available elements are properly tailored, to enhance the quality of the answer product.









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