Steam processes involving injection of a solvent with steam, such as CSS (Cyclic Steam Stimulation), SAGD (Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage), and steam injection in isothermal mode are currently receiving a great deal of attention in Alberta. These combination processes are designed to reduce energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases over steam alone. Field results have been mixed and the original intent remains elusive. This paper addresses questions regarding the mechanism of solvent dissolution of bitumen and the expected improvement in oil recovery, if any, when a solvent is injected with steam.
The unique aspect of this work is that instantaneous phase equilibrium is not assumed, as is customary in numerical simulators for solvent-steam applications. Nor is partial equilibrium assumed based on an empirical factor or concept. Rather, equilibrium is based on an analytical model of the dissolution and mobilization of a drop of bitumen inside a pore by solvent and heat. The results of this part of the study show that solvent requires at least three times as long to mobilize bitumen as by heat conduction. Such a delay is implicit in the nature of diffusion and dispersion of a solvent. Several boundary conditions are tested for a spherical drop.
A new thermal compositional simulator with the single drop model was developed for this study and several thermal processes for solvent injection were investigated for non-equilibrium phase behaviour. The results were compared to the case of instantaneous equilibrium, confirming the reason for the lack of success with solvent injection.
The results and extensions of this work will be of great interest in heavy oil production because they serve to explain the expected performance and frequent lack of success in solvent-steam injection. Use of the developed simulator would make it possible to determine whether solvent injection is a good choice in a given situation.
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