An Improved Multicomponent Diffusion Model for Compositional Simulation of Fractured Unconventional Reservoirs


Tian Ye1,Zhang Chi2,Lei Zhengdong3,Yin Xiaolong2,Kazemi Hossein2,Wu Yu-Shu4


1. Southwest Petroleum University and Colorado School of Mines

2. Colorado School of Mines

3. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development

4. Colorado School of Mines (Corresponding author; email:


Summary Most simulators currently use the advection/diffusion model (ADM), where the total flux comprises Darcian advection and Fickian diffusion. However, significant errors can arise, especially for modeling diffusion processes in fractured unconventional reservoirs, if diffusion is modeled by the conventional Fick’s law using molar concentration. Hence, we propose an improved multicomponent diffusion model for fractured reservoirs to better quantify the multiphase multicomponent transport across the fracture/matrix interface. We first give a modified formulation of the Maxwell-Stefan (MS) equation to model the multicomponent diffusion driven by the chemical potential gradients. A physics-based modification is proposed for the ADM in fractured reservoirs, where fracture, matrix, and their interface are represented by three different yet interconnected flow domains to honor the flux continuity at the fracture/matrix interface. The added interface using a more representative fluid saturation and composition of the interface can hence better capture the transient mass fluxes between fracture and matrix. The proposed approach is also implemented in an in-house compositional simulator. The multicomponent diffusion model is validated with both intraphase and interphase diffusion experiments. Then, the improved model for fracture/matrix interaction is compared with a fine-grid model. The proposed multiple interacting continua (MINC) model with three continua (MINC3) can better match the fine-grid model’s result than the double-porosity (DP) model, which only obtains a fair match at an early time. Then, we simulate a gas huff ‘n’ puff (HnP) well in the Permian Basin to investigate the effect of diffusion within the fractured tight oil reservoir. The simulation reveals that diffusion has a minor effect on the performance of depletion when oil is the dominant phase. For gas HnP, the simulation neglecting diffusion will underestimate the oil recovery factor (RF) but overestimate the gas rate. The DP approach tends to overestimate the RF of heavy components but leads to a similar cumulative oil RF compared with MINC3. With the diffusion included in the simulation, gas HnP performance becomes more sensitive to the soaking time than the model without diffusion. Although increasing the soaking time will lead to a higher RF after considering diffusion, the incremental oil is not sufficiently large to justify a prolonged soaking time.


Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Energy Engineering and Power Technology







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