Experimental Investigation Of Specific Energy Of Rocks By Low Power Laser Drilling


Ashena Rahman1,Ashena Rahim1,Nabaei M..1,Habibnia B..2,Taee B..3


1. Islamic Azad University-Omidieh Branch

2. PUT

3. National Iranian South Oil Company


Abstract Specific energy is the amount of energy required for a specified volume of rock to be destroyed. This is a normalization method used to compare the efficiency of destruction of rocks. Low power laser beam of Free Electron Laser (FEL) has been shown in literature to be used to penetrate different reservoir carbonate rocks and shales. The corresponding specific energies and ROPs are measured when a work in this field is performed. laser beam is shown to be capable of drilling boreholes because of the high energy it can create. Laser is shown to drill shales while preventing the clay swelling problem prevailing when water is in contact with shales. Laser can also increase the accuracy of perforation of casing strings. In works like, the core samples to be tested are usually taken from fields and analyzed. Comparison of different laser modes in terms of specific energy and ROP increase has been investigated and presented as a literature review which has not been accounted for in many previous works. As the future work, shape and rock type should be considered although there exists many works in literature wherein these parameters have been neglected.



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