Transport and Distribution of Proppant in Multistage Fractured Horizontal Wells: A CFD Simulation Approach


Bokane Atul1,Jain Siddharth1,Deshpande Yogesh1,Crespo Freddy1


1. Halliburton


Abstract Multistage hydraulic fracturing has become the key technology for completion of horizontal and vertical wells. The perf and plug method is the most commonly used staging method. In each stage, multiple perforation clusters are used, attempting to create a separate transverse fracture at each cluster. How these clusters are placed can significantly affect both short- and long-term production performance. Simultaneous creation of multiple fractures is a cost-effective and time saving method for stimulating both vertical and horizontal wells. Multistage fracturing is an effective method in terms of completion efficiency; however, achieving even proppant distribution to each cluster is an intricate task that proves to be challenging within the industry. Numerical simulations predict uneven proppant distribution of the fluid streams entering different perforation clusters. Field data indicates, in many cases, that some of the clusters do not contribute to production. This led to hypothesizing that actual proppant and fluid distribution along the stimulated clusters can differ from the assumed uniform distribution. However, with respect to limited-entry frac design, the proppant distribution among the different perforations is assumed to be the same as the fluid distribution. Until recently, this assumption remained unchallenged. This paper presents extensive study and investigation of proppant transport in different perforation clusters within a single stage by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques. Effects of varied fluid and proppant specific gravity, viscosities, proppant sizes, and slurry flow rates were analyzed while maintaining outside-casing parameters constant. Validation of empirical proppant transport CFD simulation results are compared to experimental test data. This is helpful to gaining a better understanding of fluid and proppant behaviors in multi cluster fracturing processes to achieve maximum efficiency. The results of the study indicate that proppant transport can be accurately modeled when the effects of single particle settling, density driven flow, particle velocity profiles, and slurry rheology are all considered. The investigation demonstrates that CFD is an effective tool for optimizing proppant distribution among perforation clusters and enhancing production.









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