The Mahakam offshore block consists of three fields, the Sisi-Nubi, Peciko, and Bekapai. Traditionally, most of the wells were completed with high-rate water packs (HRWPs) with good sand control and acceptable productivity. Frac packs (FP) were introduced to improve completion skin, helping ensure longevity of sand control and maximizing recovery. However, considering the unique context of Multi Zone Single Trip gravel packs (MZ-STGP) deployed in the Mahakam and reservoir challenges, the advantages of FPs were carefully reviewed and the design adapted accordingly.
Pumping results from more than 250 zones of HRWP are reviewed. Key parameters, such as blank pipe (BP) coverage and net pressure, are analyzed. HRWP productivity results are compared with 22 zones of FPs performed to date. Apart from productivity analysis, operation time is assessed to determine the merit of FP method. The classic FP parameters, such as fracture length, height, and packing factor are also examined. Special context from the Mahakam offshore fields with tight spacing between zones and presence of water contact nearby along with soft reservoirs and low stress barrier are considered in terms of assessing FP and HRWP. Difficulty to design Tip Screen Out (TSO) fractures and controlling height growth is also analyzed.
The study reveals the merit of performing FP and provides a recommendation for when to use HRWP or FP in conjunction with MZ-STGP completions. General recommendations of pumping design for both HRWP and FP are also established.
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