Case Study: Innovative Applications of Friction Reduction Tools to Solve Drilling Problems in Tough Environment Multilateral Wells


Silva Paul1,Hammad Abdullah1,Khurshid Imran1,Elimam Hossam1,Ruzhnikov Alexey1,El-Toum Ahmed2,Al Saihati Mohammad2,Al-Khalifah Ahmed2


1. SLB, Dhahran, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia

2. NOV, Khobar, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia


Abstract In an onshore field, horizontal wells are drilled in a complex geological environment. Starting from the fact the surface formations are very unstable, a casing design strategy has been put in place to isolate the easily collapsible formations away from Aquifers and highly water-sensitive shales. In addition to the formation characteristics, multiple loss zones are present not only in the top holes but also in the reservoir section. The fluid column hydrostatic support while drilling is lost, which ends up in exhaustive non-productive time stuck pipe situations. The objective of the study is to systematically propose and describe the engineering strategy, which resulted in a safe and flawless recovery from stuck pipe scenarios taking advantage of friction reduction tools. This study evaluates the experiences while implementing innovative applications of friction reduction tools to solve drilling problems in these tough environments in multilateral wells – the "out of the box" mindset. After a project evaluation using statistical methods, the main problems identified for this application are summarized into how to increase the probability of freeing stuck pipes in top sections with innovative tools. The detailed strategy and implementation have been divided into sections to tackle the main problem and the different engineering analysis, risk evaluation, prevention, and mitigation measures. After engineering analysis was performed, the continuous vibration friction reducer tools were installed at the surface in one of the wells with a severe stuck pipe event that lasted over 2 days with zero progress. After 17 hours of the instillation of the continuous vibration friction reducer tools working together carefully with the planned pills strategy stuck pipe was released in record time compared with other events in the area resulting in the avoidance of cutting string and sidetracking the wellbore, saving the cost of the drill string, operational time following the fishing economics. The paper provides proper technical steps and details to be replicated in similar situations, such as case studies where the stuck pipe needs an unconventional way of treatment.



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