Oil and Gas Relative Permeability as a Function of Fluid Composition


Churchwell Lauren1,DiCarlo David2


1. The University of Texas at Austin, Now with Chevron Technology Center, a Division of Chevron USA, Inc.

2. The University of Texas at Austin


Abstract During miscible gas injection for enhanced oil recovery, the composition of the fluids can change throughout the reservoir as the oil and gas phases develop miscibility. Measuring and modeling relative permeability as compositional regions are traversed creates many challenges. In simulators, the association of each phase with a relative permeability curve sometimes creates discontinuities when phases disappear across miscibility boundaries. Some newer relative permeability models attempt to resolve these issues by changing the standard "oil" and "gas" method of phase labeling and instead labeling phases according to a physical property that is continuous and tied to composition, most notably the fluid density or Gibbs free energy (GFE). Ideally, a relative permeability model will be based on experimental measurements. A handful of all relative permeability experiments focus on studying changes in relative permeability brought about by changes in fluid composition with increasing capillary number. However, there is also evidence to suggest that composition can impact relative permeability even at capillary numbers well below the capillary desaturation threshold. In this research, two-phase gas/oil core flood experiments were performed with ethane as the gas phase and equilibrated octane as the oil phase. Pressure was varied so that the composition (density and GFE) of the gas and oil were changing. The capillary numbers were kept low and constant to prevent capillary desaturation of the oil phase. The experiments were then repeated with an added residual brine phase to test the effect of composition with a third phase present. The results show that changing the density and GFE of the oil and gas phases in either two-phase or three-phase flow had no impact on the relative permeability curves. However, significant changes were observed when comparing two-phase to three-phase oil and gas relative permeabilities. When only gas and oil were flowing in the core, the oil phase formed a continuous layer on the pore surfaces. The addition of residual brine caused the oil to form droplets, reducing the relative permeability of both the oil and gas phases in the absence of a continuous layer of oil. These findings verify previous history-matched relative permeabilities in literature and show that the oil phase connectivity is more important than compositional parameters.



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